Dental crystal

You can now also contact us for dental crystals.

A radiant smile with a dental crystal

We use high-quality dental crystals and professional equipment.
Completely painless treatment, no damage to the mouth or teeth.

The crystal can remain in place for a long time.
If the crystal falls off within 2 weeks of normal use, the dental crystal will be re-placed once free of charge.

Before you come to the salon.

Make sure you have eaten and drunk and that your teeth have been thoroughly brushed.

When the crystal has just been placed

Do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours and do not brush your teeth for the first 12 hours.
This is to help the dental crystal adhere better to the tooth.

Do not drink carbonated drinks for the first 24 hours, as this can damage the adhesive.

If there are any adhesive residues on the tooth around the dental crystal, these are simply removed by brushing your teeth. Also never use sharp objects in your mouth.

Removal can be done very easily and without damage during the check-up at the dentist.

If a dental crystal should unexpectedly come loose within 2 weeks, we will place one free of charge once
new crystal, we do not refund money.

We cannot provide a guarantee for placement on a canine tooth, placement on a prosthesis or filling or if you have a tongue piercing. If you are between 14 and 16 years old, a parent/guardian is required to come along.

We do not place a dental crystal in a young person (14-16) without permission from a parent/guardian.

We also do not place crystals on children under the age of 13.

Dental crystal Price
1 dental crystal €22.50
2 dental crystals €30.00
3 or more tooth crystals from €37.50